The Only Oral Herpes Treatment That Gets Rid of Cold Sores For Good

Cold sores, fever blisters, whatever you desire to give them a call doesn't matter. They areembarrassing and annoying, and painful,. That's what does matter. Trust me, I understand your pain. My parents and I first found out that I had contracted herpes simplex 1 being a small child. This is a common thing, I may have shared a drink with a friend, or been kissed by an adult who had the virus, as you may know. Especially because I got them frequently, and with me they usually lasted 10-14 days as opposed to the usual 7-10 days, i was always very embarrassed by my cold sores. I've tried almost every oral herpes treatment you can imagine, with varying success rates, because of this.Cure for oral herpes

Growing up, and also up to recently I stuck to doctor prescribed treatments typically. Some of these treatments worked moderately well for me, but usually only for a short amount of time. Another problem I had with doctor prescribed oral herpes treatments was the costs involved.lip herpes treatment

A few of these medications were very pricey, especially as time passes. If the treatments worked for me, but again, my fever blisters would always come back, i may have been able to justify these prices.

Now for your good a part of my story. I am going on a couple of years without any fever blisters. We have also not bought any prescription oral herpes treatments in the two years. This originating from someone who for more than twenty years spent lots of money on treatments, simply to see her symptoms come back repeatedly. The Way I achieved this is simpler than many people realize, and it also didn't cost lots of money, I only had to create a few simple change in lifestyle and my fever blisters were gone forever.

They must come from you, though the first steps you need to take to combat this virus are simple enough. First and foremost, when you have cold sores, constantly wash your hands, especially after you've touched one. Avoiding stress is probably the best oral herpes treatments around. Stress has proven to weaken the immunity mechanism, a weakened immune system is a prime trigger for that herpes simplex 1 virus. And lastly you have to avoid fatigue, and live an overall healthier life.